
Science - In the making of Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot m

 Parts Required 

  • Arduino Nano
To make an Autonomous Robot/Self Driving Robot the first thing you need is an Arduino Nano which costs less as compared to Arduino UNO. This part can also be called the main body for an Autonomous Robot because without this part your robot is nothing. This part requires some coding to be unloaded in it which makes it to move forward, backward and avoid obstacles coming in the way to this robot. 
  • Arduino Obstacle Sensor
The second thing required for an Autonomous Robot to move is a PING Sensor which calculates the distance of obstacles coming in the way of this robot and Avoids this at a particular Distance to change it's way of moving.
Arduino Obstacle Sensor

  • Jumper wire
Jumper wires is necessary for all the connection which must be done correctly because if connections are done wrongly then the whole robot will only consume the battery supply and will not move a bit forward or backward or in any direction so, to avoid this you must check all the connections first and then test your robot if it is working correctly or not. 

  • BO Motors
To make your robot move and avoid every obstacle in the way of this robot you must add atleast 2 BO motors to move. If you are adding 2 BO Motors then a castor wheel should be added and if you are adding 4 BO Motors then castor wheel should be avoided. But in my view you should add only 2 BO Motors because it will add less coding in it. 

  • Castor Wheels
To make your robot turn to any direction without any coding then you should add a castor wheel with 2 BO Motors instead of 4 and you should do coding according to that two motors that to move in left direction the right side motor will have to work and vice-versa.A Castor Wheel has a 360° turnable metal ball which helps to motor to move to any direction only if one side motor moves to make it move to its other direction.

  • SG90 Arduino
A servo motor is used as a neck for a robot which helps the robot to see the path from the left to the direction 180° till it's right. If you add a servo motor to your robot then you can place the ping sensor on it's top part which moves or else you can make a head and place that sensor in it's front and the servo motor to it's down to make the robot see the distance where the path is clear if any obstacle is seen infront of the robot and move to the direction where the path is clear. 

  • BO Wheels 
A foremost thing which is most necessary for a robot to be movable is a BO Wheel which helps it to move in forward direction or in backward direction.A BO Wheel only fits in BO Motor because it has a separate fitting type for BO Motor. If you are using 2 BO Motors in an autonomous robot then only 2 BO Wheels should be purchased and a castor wheel if you do not want a castor wheel in your robot then just add 2 more BO Motors with 2 extra BO Wheels in it.

  • 12 Volt battery 
Generally to make your robot working you must add 6V battery to it. The consumption power of arduino nano gets higher if the connections are added more and more. So, if you want a robot to work smoothly then you should add more than 12 volts of battery to it and remember to take out the batteries from it because if it is kept connected to the robot the it will consume all the power from the batteries and will kept the batteries uncharged as a result it will not work at the time you needed. Like using it as a Project for exhibition.

  • L298N Motor Driver

This L298N Motor Driver is used to control the motion of both the motors to move forward or backward or to change the direction if an obstacle is sensed by the robot.

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