
Types of pencils- Unraveling the Enigma of Pencil sketching

Types of Graphite Pencils

There are total 24 different types of graphite pencil for sketching.All pencils types are of graphite pencils which is represented in the following image:-

Graphite Pencil

  • 9H
This grade of pencil is the lightest as compared to all the other grades of graphite pencils.
  • 8H, 7H, 6H,
These grades of pencils can be used as a substitute of 9H pencil to shade the lightest part in any sketch as first layer of the face or any lightest part.
  • 5H, 4H, 3H
These grades of pencils are mostly used to shade the first layer of face for the lightest shading.
  • 2H, H, HB
These grades of pencils are used for drawing a second layer to the sketch a little darker than 4H.
  • F, B, 2B
These grades of pencils are used for drawing a third layer to the sketch which is a little darker than HB.
  • 3B, 4B
These grades of pencils are used to draw the pupil of the eye and any other darker parts required to draw layer by layer like clothes, Hair etc.
  • 5B, 6B
These grades of pencils are used to draw next layer of drawing hairs or a darker cloth.
  • 7B, 8B graphite pencil, 9B, 10B
These grades of pencils are used to draw the third layer of drawing a hair or a cloth.
  • 11B, 12B Pencil, 13B, 14B

These grades of pencils are the darkest compared to all the previous grades of graphite pencils.

HB Pencil Drawing

Best Sketching Pencils

There are no such pencils which are best the only thing to take in mind is regular practice to develop your skills. High skills in sketching gives you idea that a sketch can be drawn more realistic with any kind of pencils from the cheapest one the highly costing pencils. For further information my views are that Staedtler drawing pencils and Faber Castell drawing pencils/Faber Castell Graphite pencils are the best brand to use for sketching but if you are a beginner then you should start with the cheapest pencils whichever fits to your budget.

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